Sideline Cheer is during the regular football season (August-October or early/mid November for playoffs/championships).
Practice Days: Twice a week, Days TBD
Practice Times: 1-3.5 hours a day, Times TBD
Practice Location: Hillsboro HS
Game Days: Saturdays
Game Length/Time: 2 hours, anytime between 9am-7pm
Game Home Location: Hare Field
*Days/Times are general. Specifics will be posted/emailed once finalized and vary by season and coach.
Registration Fees- For Minis: $200 / Grades 3-8 $225 (Payment Plans, Fundraising & Sponsorships available)
Fundraising Requirement- For Minis: $115 / Grades 3-8 $150. Go to the cheer policies page here and click on fundraising for details.
Gear Pack Orders: $48 for two pairs of black shorts. Order BY July 1st, Cheerleader keeps all items. Click here for Gear Pack details.
Royal Blue Backpack orders: $29 IF you do not have a backpack from previous years. Order BY July 1st, Cheerleader keeps all items. Click here for Omni details.
Get your Registration & Fundraising covered with a Sponsorship! Click here then "Get Sponsored" for more info.
*Subject to Change
Competitive Cheer is after the regular football season, during the Winter (November-March).
Cheerleaders compete with other Cheer teams at various locations in the state.
Practice Days: 3 days a week
Practice Times: around/between 5pm-8:30pm for 2 hours
Practice Location: Hilhi Wrestling Room or Cafeteria/Commons
Competition Days: mainly Saturdays, sometimes Sundays
Cost: TBD
*Days/Times are general. Specifics will be posted/emailed once finalized and vary by season and coach.