(HYFA By-Laws 1.6 & 1.8)

The objectives and purpose of this association will be to implant firmly in the children of this community, the ideas of good sportsmanship. Honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well adjusted, stronger, happier and will grow to be healthy and trustworthy individuals.  The association will put a special emphasis on the safety and psychological well being of the area youth.

It shall be the general objective of the Association to inspire youth to practice ideals of health, citizenship and character, and to instill in its participants camaraderie through means of a common interest in sportsmanship, fair play, dedication and fellowship. Specifically, it shall be the purpose of the Association through the policy of its coaches, to:

Acquaint participating players with the fundamentals of football rules, passing, running, kicking, blocking and tackling skills, and love of the game.

Teach through the game of football, honest accountability for one's actions, leadership skills, sportsmanship, personal commitment, civic commitment and responsibility, through managed coaching and board leadership. Work with parents and players alike to exhibit positive role modeling skills towards community involvement, civic awareness and their roles in making a ‘all volunteer’ organization work within this framework.

Teach the concept of Teamwork. The ability for individuals to cooperate productively as a -Team- whose capabilities exceeds the sum of its parts. 

Teach individual and team goal setting, work ethics, and commitment to overcome the inevitable setbacks on a path to success.

Build youth self-confidence by encouraging a Try-Try-Again approach. Regardless the scoreboard, recognize and be proud of incremental improvement in each team member.

Recognize as Coaches, our primary function of role-modeling behavioral leadership, productive cooperation, hard work, and accountability.   Show appreciation and respect for all individuals, referees, teams and parents involved.  Implicitly assume each is doing their best.